Doctora con mascarilla.

All the stories

Doctora con mascarilla.

A Disease Does Not Define You

Jul 19, 2023

Nathali Arismendi was still a medical student when, during one of her first shifts, she pricked her finger while suturing a head wound on a homeless woman. Weeks after that work-related accident, she developed a fever and her lymph nodes got swollen. An HIV test came back positive, but she had no doubt in her mind that she had been misdiagnosed.

Go to another World, Get your Stars

Jul 19, 2023

Martín is an 8-year-old Venezuelan boy. Like so many families, his decided to emigrate. In 2018, they settled in Mexico. Inés Araujo, Martín’s grandmother, who is a psychologist and an educator, joined them and stayed with them for a few months.

My Way of Making the World a Better Place

Mar 13, 2023

An occupational therapist, Erika Lezama left Venezuela for Perú with the expectation that she could continue to practice her profession. Having overcome more than a few bumps in her road, she finally landed what she thought would be the job of her dreams at a children’s therapy center located in the most exclusive area of Lima. The challenging experience made her realize the kind of professional she wanted to be.

La lección que aprendí de Maura y su familia

That’s the Lesson I Learned from Maura and Her Family

Feb 02, 2023

Simple things such as receiving quality care, words of encouragement or a hug can mean the world to patients. That’s what Rubén Darío Carrero learned when he was just starting practicing as a physician. This is his account of the stressful and moving experience behind this reflection.

La intervención fue un rotundo éxito

The Surgery Was a Resounding Success

Feb 01, 2023

A medical doctor decides to donate a kidney to her sister to spare her from the grueling routine of dialysis treatment. This is the story of a transplant, an operation that many people in Venezuela can no longer opt for because on June 1, 2017 the Venezuelan Foundation for Organ, Tissue and Cell Donation and Transplantation (Fundavene), a body attached to the Ministry of Health, suspended the organ procurement and transplantation program.

You Can’t Help Others If You Are Not OK Yourself

Dec 21, 2022

Two Venezuelan medical doctors who graduated from the Universidad de Oriente reunite in Buenos Aires, Argentina. They start dating and eventually move in together. With the outbreak of the pandemic, they work grueling weeks and are exposed to high levels of stress.

A partir de ese momento comenzó mi recuperación

That’s When I Started to Get Better

Dec 21, 2022

In March of 2021, following a year of confinement due to the pandemic, dentist and university professor Francys Viaña traveled to Panama in the company of her teenage twins and her sister. Once there, she began to feel under the weather. She tested positive for COVID-19. From that moment on, what she had planned as a short vacation turned into a vertiginous and harrowing experience.

No les gusto por alguna razón

For Some Reason, They Don’t Like Me

Dec 06, 2022

A kid who feels singled out because he is different. A kid who prefers to hang out with adults and who loves to read books and listen to the radio. A kid who is hypersensitive to many things around him. A kid who is labeled as a smarty-pants and whose behavior is considered as imprudent. Following a late diagnosis, surgeon Björn Martíinez delves into his memories to piece together the puzzle that is his own world.

Se supone que los médicos no debemos llorar

We Doctors Are Not Supposed to Cry

Dec 06, 2022

Adriana García is an obstetrician-gynecologist. When her cousin, whom she loved like a sister, told her she was expecting, Adriana was overjoyed. The pregnancy seemed to be progressing well, but when she entered her fifth month, the doctors found out that the baby was carrying several congenital anomalies. Adriana, aware of what that diagnosis meant, wished she did not know the things she knew, for they began to feel like a burden on her shoulders.

Emprendimiento Mi Hijo Suplente

We Don’t Realize that We Are Going to Be Old Soon

Aug 15, 2022

When she learned that she was pregnant with her second child, María Gabriela Chalbaud knew that she had to do something to make more money because what she earned as a university professor was no longer enough. So, she and her friend Yanet Calderón decided to act upon an idea she had for a very singular undertaking: they would become the substitute daughters of many Venezuelans who had left their parents and grandparents behind when they migrated.

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