All the stories

To Honor the Conversations We Never Had

Nov 27, 2024

An ailing father, bitter because of the limitations ill health imposed on him; a son, yearning for the solitude he had long chosen for himself and trying to have an identity of his own; the memories of a relationship that was marked by estrangement and reconnection. Such is the thread of this story.

Emmanuel Always Comes Back to Yare

Nov 18, 2024

San Francisco de Yare, a semi-rural city just over an hour from Caracas, is one of five in the Valles del Tuy region. Every year, hundreds of tourists visit the place on the Feast of Corpus Christi to watch the ritual dance of the Diablos Danzantes de Yare.

Listening to Others Gives Her a Reason to Live

Nov 12, 2024

The back-to-back deaths of loved ones and the ending of a various romantic relationships led Anyiseth Sequera to a state of mind so grim that, more than once, she considered taking her own life. Well, she is now an independent activist that raises awareness about suicide prevention.

It is About Seeing the World through a Different Lens

Nov 05, 2024

There, at the age of 27, she spares no effort in helping young people in her community see for themselves that they can have a less bleak and barren future.

Una semana que se siente como un mes

A Week that Feels Like a Month

Sep 22, 2024

The UN Independent International Fact-Finding Mission Report on Venezuela published on Tuesday, September 17, is categorical in describing the “machinery of repression” of the Maduro regime. Deaths, detentions, violations of due process. That’s part of what the ONG Foro Penal has also been documenting. This timeline shows how lawyers volunteering for the latter organization have been overstretched with work after the elections of July 28, and how the number of prisoners has reached an all-time high.

La noche de las elecciones presidenciales en Venezuela, cientos de miles de personas vieron las actas de escrutinio que imprimieron las máquinas electorales. Y los testigos de la oposición no fueron los únicos que se quedaron con copias. Tres mujeres, dos testigos del partido oficialista y una jefa de comunidad, también de las filas chavistas, vencen el silencio y cuentan lo que vivieron.

The Missing Link of the July 28th Election

Aug 26, 2024

The night of the July 28th election, hundreds of thousands of people saw the actas, and not only the opposition’s witnesses who kept copies. Two PSUV witnesses and a chavista community leader share their experiences.

Con él son 4 los trabajadores de la prensa puestos tras las rejas después de las elecciones del 28 de julio.

His Two Hands in the Shape of a Heart

Aug 18, 2024

Paul León trabaja en el canal VPItv. Fue detenido mientras se preparaba para cubrir una manifestación en Valera, estado Trujillo.

A Tally Sheet, a Testimony, and a Proof of Life

Aug 11, 2024

That of July 28, 2024 was not just another election. Organized citizens, in defense of their votes, proved that Venezuela has a robust social fabric. This text weaves a thread into three testimonies of the gearwheel that was set in motion that and the following days by the citizens themselves to collect the tally sheets printed by the voting machines and make them available for the world to see. But there are more than three, for sure.

The True Value of Living in a Community

Aug 10, 2024

On April 30, 2019, the day when the final phase of the so-called “Operation Freedom” was set in motion in Caracas, Luisana Escobar and her neighbors were forced to leave their homes in Valencia, Venezuela, after a teargas canister exploded in one of the apartments of the building where they lived, setting it on fire.

Esa voz que se había instalado en mi cabeza

That Voice in My Head

Aug 09, 2024

María Laura Silva always wanted to be a doctor. She was presented with many an obstacle as a student of medicine, some of them posed by the crisis facing the country, but that didn’t undermine her determination to graduate.  Still, one day in 2018, while at work as a medical intern at a hospital, she began to ask herself whether she should stay the course.

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