Raúl Castillo's stories

He Managed to Ignite the Spark He Had Long Searched For

Jun 08, 2024

Miguel Feijoo began teaching at the College of Architecture of the Central University of Venezuela in 2019. That same year, he had an experience that would significantly change the way he viewed his profession and one that would teach him that the ultimate goal of a university should be to educate and prepare students to become, more than anything, critical citizens. That is why he did not rest until he made sure his students were registered to vote. He himself went with them.

Periodista. Suelo escribir de todo menos de fútbol: prefiero ejercer la profesión sin fanatismos. Desde que era un niño me interesaba conocer la vida de las personas, años después descubrí la escritura. Fan de las buenas anécdotas. Vengo de Catia.

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